We interrupt this long observance of internet silence to bring you…a new blog post.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. A rather lengthy piece on the issue of unwanted yarn twist was/is in the works and then, seemingly by accident, a not at all serious post about yarn put-ups made it to the finish line instead. I don’t doubt that this was just a form of procrastination like any other—which is to say, when the real project at hand encountered difficulties, I found something more fun to work on that had to be done first, as the Procrastinators’ Code dictates.
It comes as a bit of a shock to me, but here we are, Labour Day weekend. September has the distinct feel of a new year beginning, or perhaps it is more accurate to say it has the distinct feel of something ending. The chill in the morning air is the same as it was at the start of the week but the morning the calendar rolled over from August to September, that chill felt decidedly autumnal and I felt a twinge of remorse that summer was over and I hadn’t accomplished a whole lot.
Of course, summer, the official season, is not yet over. I still have days to enjoy the sunshine and veg garden harvesting ahead of me (assuming the increasingly brazen squirrels don’t beat me to it). As for the goals not met, well, I am reminded of the “Fresh Start” phenomenon identified by Katy Milkman et al. which posits that temporal landmarks such as a change of season (or even a change of month) can have a motivating effect by allowing people to “relegate past imperfections to a previous period [and] induce people to take a big-picture view of their lives, and thus motivate aspirational behaviors.”
I can’t change how unproductive my summer was but I do have some control over the days ahead so I will keep plugging away and maybe you’ll see another newsletter from me before 2023 is over.
The post I have in the works regarding unwanted yarn twist is still some ways from being finalised so if you have questions about this topic I would be interested in hearing them. It may be that I have missed something worth discussing. I have set up a contact form for this purpose.
Until then, thank you for your interest in my work and may your fresh starts be plentiful and prosperous!
—A Y